Invited Symposium & Conference Talks
Refereed Conference or Symposium Presentations
(Eringen Lecture) Ellen M Arruda, “Full-field methods to characterize the finite strain response of ligaments and tendons,” Society Of Engineering Science Annual Technical Meeting, College Station, TX, October 16-19, 2022.
Ryan Rosario, Ellen M Arruda, John A Grant, and Rhima M Coleman, Effect of Bony Mismatches Caused by Osteochondral Allograft Repair on Cartilage Deformation,” American Society of Biomechanics (virtual), August 10-13, 2021.
(Savio L-Y. Woo Young Researcher Award) Luetkemeyer CM, Rosario RA, Estrada JB, Scheven UM, and Arruda EM, “Measuring ligament stiffness: effect of fiber splay and the future with full-field methods,” International Symposium on Ligaments and Tendons, Orlando, FL, Fabruay 7, 2020.
(Plenary) Arruda EM, “Full-Field Methods for Characterizing the Non-Linear Anisotropic Response of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament of the Knee,” ASME, Salt Lake City, UT, November 11-14, 2019.
(Nadai Lecture) Arruda EM, “Obtaining the Mechanical Properties of Soft Tissues – Challenges and Opportunities,” ASME, Salt Lake City, UT, November 11-14, 2019.
Estrada JB, Luetkemeyer CM, Scheven U, and Arruda EM, “MR-u Displacement-encoded magnetic resonance for characterizing soft materials – method and validation,” Society of Engineering Science Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, October 13-15, 2019.
Luetkemeyer CM, Rosario RA, Estrada JB, Scheven U, and Arruda EM, “Identifiability of ligament material properties with full-field methods,” Society of Engineering Science Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, October 13-15, 2019.
Arruda EM, “Experimental characterization, constitutive modeling, and computational simulations of the soft tissues of the knee,” CMBBE, New York, NY, August 14-16, 2019.
Rosario RA, Arruda EM, and Coleman RM, “The influence of anterior cruciate ligament matrix properties on simulated whole-knee biomechanics,” US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Austin, TX, July 28 – August 1, 2019.
Luetkemeyer CM and Arruda EM, “For Ligaments, Material Stiffness is Not What it Appears to Be: How to Build More Accurate Material Models and Implications for ACL Graft Selection,” Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference, Seven Springs, PA, June 25-28, 2019.
Luetkemeyer CM, Rosario RA, Estrada JB, Scheven U and Arruda EM, “Full-field displacement mapping and inverse methods detect known microstructural difference in ACL bundles,” Society for Experimental Mechanics Annual Meeting, Aibuquerque, NM, June 14-17, 2019.
Luetkemeyer CM and Arruda EM, “Known microstructural difference in ACL bundles detected with full-field mechanics methods,” PACAM XVI, Ann Arbor, MI, May 19-23, 2019.
Rosario R, Arruda EM, and Coleman RM, “Shear and transverse characterization of the patellar tendon,” PACAM XVI, Ann Arbor, MI, May 19-23, 2019.
Luetkemeyer CM, Ashton-Miller JA, and Arruda EM, “The Influence of Specimen Geometry on the Mechanical Response of the ACL and Patellar Tendon,” ORS, Austin, TX, February 2-5, 2019.
Luetkemeyer CM, Estrada JB, Scheven UM, and Arruda EM, “Full-field characterization of soft orthotropic materials,” SES, Madrid, Spain, October 10-12, 2018.
(Rice Lecture) Arruda EM, “Knee Ligament Characterization and Constitutive Modeling,” SES, Madrid, Spain, October 10-12, 2018.
Luetkemeyer CM and Arruda EM, “Identification of anisotropic hyperelastic constitutive parameters for the anterior cruciate ligament using full-field displacements and the virtual fields method,” WCB, Dublin, IRELAND, July 8-12, 2018.
Rosario RA, Arruda EM, and Coleman RM, “The effect of anterior cruciate ligament shear properties on whole-knee biomechanics,” WCB, Dublin, IRELAND, July 8-12, 2018.
(Keynote) Arruda EM, “Full-Field Characterization and Modeling of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament,” SEM, Greenville, SC, June 4-7, 2018.
Luetkemeyer CM and Arruda EM, “Full-field deformation measurement and use of the virtual fields method for accurate constitutive characterization of the anterior cruciate ligament bundles,” USNCTAM, Chicago, IL, June 4-9, 2018.
Rice MC, Thouless MD and Arruda EM, " Impact Protection Strategies for Loads of Various Characteristic Times," ASME IMECE, Tampa, FL, November 5-9, 2017.
Marchi BC and Arruda EM, "Physiological considerations of the anterior cruciate ligament necessary for knee stability," BMES, Phoenix, AZ, October 11-14, 2017.
Luetkemeyer CM, Cai L, Neu C and Arruda EM, "Full-volume displacement mapping of anterior cruciate ligament bundles," BMES, Phoenix, AZ, October 11-14, 2017.
Arruda EM, "Computational Modeling of Knee Biomechanics," COMPLAS, Barcelona, SPAIN, September 4-7, 2017.
Luetkemeyer CM, Cai L, Neu C, and Arruda EM, "Full-Volume Displacement Mapping of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Bundles," European Society of Biomechanics, Seville, SPAIN, July 2-5, 2017.
Marchi BC, Arruda EM, and Coleman RM, "A Computational Study on the Role of Articular Cartilage Focal Defect Size and Location During Normal Gait," European Society of Biomechanics, Seville, SPAIN, July 2-5, 2017.
Luetkemeyer CM, Marchi BC, and Arruda EM, "Multiaxial Mechanical Responses of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Bundles Reflect Differences in Microstructure," SB3C, Tucson, AZ, June 21-24, 2017.
Marchi BC, Luetkemeyer CM, and Arruda EM, "Evaluating the Appropriateness of Transversely Isotropic Constitutive Theories for Structural Ligaments, "SB3C, Tucson, AZ, June 21-24, 2017.
Novakova SS, Florida SE, Mahalingham VD, Arruda EM, Allen A, Bedi A, Larkin LM, “Tissue Engineered Tendon Constructs for Sheep Rotator Cuff Repair,” ORS 2017 Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 19-22, 2017.
(Keynote) Arruda EM, “Biomechanics of Knee Soft Tissue Structures and Incorporation into Full Knee Computational Models,” ASME IMECE, Phoenix, AZ, November 11-17, 2016.
(Keynote) Arruda EM, “DIC-Aided Characterization of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Bundles,” iDICs 2016 Conference and Workshop / SEM Fell Conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 7-10, 2016.
Marchi BC and Arruda EM, “The Importance of Physiologically and Anatomically Representative Ligaments in Knee Models,” 24th International Conference of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Montreal, Canada, August 21-26, 2016.
(Keynote) Arruda EM, “Full-Volume Displacement Mapping of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament,” World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Seoul, Korea, July 24-29, 2016.
Leutkemeyer CM, Marchi BC, Ashton-Miller JA, and Arruda EM, “Anterior cruciate ligament femoral entheseal shape and insertion angle are risk factors for injury,” Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering & Biotransport Conference, National Harbor, MD, June 29 – July 2, 2016.
Mallett KM and Arruda EM, “Experimental Biomechanics of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament: Hyperelasticity and Viscoelasticity,” Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering & Biotransport Conference, National Harbor, MD, June 29 – July 2, 2016.
Marchi BC, Coleman RM, and Arruda EM, “The contribution of articular cartilage focal defect size and location on whole knee computational models,” Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering & Biotransport Conference, National Harbor, MD, June 29 – July 2, 2016.
Leutkemeyer CM and Arruda EM, “Anterior Cruciate Ligament Failures: Effect of Entheseal Shape on Injury Risk,” Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Paris, France, May 17-20, 2016.
Leutkemeyer CM, Marchi BC, and Arruda EM, “Histology-inspired mechanical analysis of ACL femoral entheseal shape,” International Symposium on Ligaments and Tendons, Orlando, FL, March 4, 2016.
Mallett KM, Yang L, and Arruda EM, “Hyperelastic and Viscoelastic Characterization of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Biomechanics,” International Symposium on Ligaments and Tendons, Orlando, FL, March 4, 2016.
Mahalingham VD, Wojtys EM, Wellik DM, Arruda EM, and Larkin LM, “Fresh and Frozen Tissue Engineered 3D Bone-Ligament-Bone Constructs for Sheep ACL Repair Following Two-Year Implantation,” International Symposium on Ligaments and Tendons, Orlando, FL, March 4, 2016.
Novakova SS, Mahalingham VD, Leeper DL, Arruda EM, Allen A, Bedi A, and Larkin LM, “Tissue Engineered Tendon Constructs for Rotator Cuff Repair in a Sheep Model,” ORS 2016 Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, March 5-8, 2016.
Mahalingham VD, Wojtys EM, Wellik DM, Arruda EM, and Larkin LM, “Fresh and Frozen Tissue Engineered 3D Bone-Ligament-Bone Constructs for Sheep ACL Repair Following Two-Year Implantation,” ORS 2016 Annual Meeting (poster), Orlando, FL, March 5-8, 2016.
Luetkemeyer CM, Marchi BC, and Arruda EM, “Histology-inspired Mechanical Analysis of ACL Femoral Entheseal Shape,” ISLT XV, Orlando, FL, March 4, 2016.
Mallett K, Yang L and Arruda EM, “Hyperelastic and Viscoelastic Characterization of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Biomechanics,” ISLT XV (poster), Orlando, FL, March 4, 2016.
Mahalingham VD, Wojtys EM, Wellik DM, Arruda EM, and Larkin LM, “Fresh and Frozen Tissue Engineered 3D Bone-Ligament-Bone Constructs for Sheep ACL Repair Following Two-Year Implantation,” ISLT XV, Orlando, FL, March 4, 2016.
Zhou Z and Arruda EM, “Characterization and Modeling of Nanoparticle Reinforced Polymeric Nanofiber Composites,” 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, TAMU, College Station, TX, October 26-28, 2015.
Mallett K and Arruda EM, “Experimental Characterization of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Biomechanics,” 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, TAMU, College Station, TX, October 26-28, 2015.
Marchi BC and Arruda EM, “On accurate anatomical, physiological, and constitutive models of whole knee biomechanics,” 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, TAMU, College Station, TX, October 26-28, 2015.
Luetkemeyer C and Arruda EM, “Use of full-field methods for the characterization of the anterior cruciate ligament mechanical response,” 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, TAMU, College Station, TX, October 26-28, 2015.
Mahalingham V, VanDusen KW, Arruda EM, Larkin LM, Kuzon WM, “Mechanical Optimization of Tissue-Engineered Cellular Neotendinous Constructs for Hernia Repair,” TERMIS, Boston, MA, September 8-11, 2015.
Novakova SS, Smietana MJ, Mahalingham V, Arruda EM, Larkin LM, “The Age of hMSC Donor Affects Biomechanical Properties of Tissue Engineered Ligament Constructs,” TERMIS, Boston, MA, September 8-11, 2015.
Marchi BC and Arruda EM, “Biomechanics and Computational Modeling of the Impact Response of the Knee, COMPLAS XIII, Barcelona, Spain, September 1-3, 2015.
Luetkemeyer CM, Ashton-Miller JA and Arruda EM, “The Effects of Entheseal Shape on Strain Fields in the Anterior Cruciate Ligament,” ASB, Columbus, OH, August 5-8, 2015.
Zhou Z and Arruda EM, “Characterization and Modeling of Nanoparticle / Nanofiber Composites,” ESMC 2015, Madrid, SP, July 6-10, 2015.
Novakova S, Moncada-Larrotiz P, Smietana MS, Mahilingham V, Arruda EM, and Larkin LM, “Characterization of a Human MSC Population Required for Scaffold-less Construct Fabrication,” ORS, Las Vegas, NV, March 28-31, 2015.
Arruda EM, “Full-Field Methods for Anterior Cruciate (and Other) Ligament Biomechanical Characterization,” ISLT, Las Vegas, NV, March 27, 2015.
Arruda EM, “Material Property Identification of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Biomechanics: Challenges and Progress,” AmeriMech, 2014, Austin, TX, December 10-12, 2014.
Marchi B and Arruda EM, “Physiologically Motivated Spatial and Depth Dependent Viscoelastic Behavior of Articular Cartilage,” SES, West Lafayette, IN, October 1-3, 2014.
Mallett K and Arruda EM, “Characterization and Computational Modeling of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Biomechanics,” SES, West Lafayette, IN, October 1-3, 2014.
Arruda EM, “Experimental Characterization and Computational Modeling of High Strain Rate Tissue Deformation in the Knee,” WCCM, Barcelona, Spain, July 21-25, 2014.
Mallett, K and Arruda, EM, “Characterization and Computational Modeling of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Biomechanics,” WCCM, Barcelona, Spain, July 21-25, 2014.
Rahimzadeh T, Waas AM, Arruda EM and Thouless MD, "A Football Helmet Design Strategy for Concussion Prevention," USNCTAM, East Lansing, MI, USA (June 2014).
Marchi B and Arruda EM, “Effects of Cartilage Mechanical Heterogeneity on Computational Models of Knee, USNCTAM, East Lansing, MI, USA (June, 2014).
Mallett K andArruda EM, “Experimental Characterization and Computational Modeling of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Biomechanics,” USNCTAM, East Lansing, MI, USA (June, 2014).
Zhou ZZ and Arruda EM, “Characterization and Modeling of Gold Nanoparticle Reinforced Kevlar Nanofiber Composites,” USNCTAM, East Lansing, MI, USA (June 2014).
Arruda EM, “Experimental Characterization and Computational Modeling of High Strain Rate Deformation and Failure of Ligament Tissue in the Knee,” USNCTAM, East Lansing, MI, USA (June 2014).
Rahimzadeh T, Waas AM, Arruda EM, Thouless MD, "Design of Materials for Blast-Resistant Armor," 9th International Conference on the Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, Montreal, Canada (June 2014).
Mahalingham V, Behbahani-Nejad N, Smietana MJ, Olsen TJ, Wallik DM, Wojtys EM, Arruda EM and Larkin LM, “Fresh vs. Frozen Tissue Engineered 3D Bone-Ligament_Bone Grafts for Sheep ACL Repair,” 2014 ORS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 15-18, 2014.
Sain T, Arruda EM, Yeom B and Waas AM, “Effect of Soft Segment Fraction on Rate Dependent Damping of Polyurethane and Polyurethane-Clay Nanocomposites,” AIAA Science and Technology Forum, National Harbor, MD, January 13-17, 2014.
Smietana MJ, Arruda EM and Larkin LM, “Process Development Strategies to Enable Large Scale Fabrication of Scaffold-Less 3D Ligament Constructs and ACL Reconstruction,” Scale-Up and Manufacturing of Cell-Based Therapies III, San Diego, CA, January 5-9, 2014.
Mahalingam V, Smietana MJ, Lee JD, VanDusen KW, Olsen TJ, Wojtys EM, Wellik DM, Arruda EM and Larkin LM, “Allogenic vs Autologous Derived Cell Sources for Use in Engineered Bone-Ligament-Bone (BLB) for Sheep ACL Repair,” TERMIS, Atlanta, GA, November 10-13, 2013.
Smietana MJ, Arruda EM, Bedi A and Larkin LM, “Utilization of 3D Tissue Engineered Constructs to Improve Tendon-Bone Healing Following Rotator Cuff Repair,” TERMIS, Atlanta, GA, November 10-13, 2013.
Cao K, Pons Siepermann C, Yeom B, Kotov NA, Thouless MD, Arruda EM, “Advanced Aramid Nanofiber/Gold Nanoparticle Composites,” ASME IMECE, San Diego, CA, November 15-21, 2013.
Arruda EM, Ma J, and Olsen TJ, “Experimental Characterization and Computational Modeling of High Strain Rate Deformation and Failure of Ligament Tissue in the Knee,” ASME IMECE, San Diego, CA, November 15-21, 2013.
Deneweth JM, Pomeroy SM, Arruda EM, McLean SG. “Evaluation of Hyperelastic Models for Tibial Articular Cartilage Under High Strain Rate Loading.” Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Natal, Brazil, August 4-9, 2013. Poster presentation.
Deneweth JM, Newman KE, Pomeroy SM, Sylvia SM, Arruda EM, McLean SG. “Physiological Mechanical Properties of Healthy Cartilage Across the Distal Femur.” Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Natal, Brazil, August 4-9, 2013. Oral presentation.
Deneweth JM, Olsen TJ, McLean SG and Arruda EM, “Effects of Non-linearity and Mechancial and Thickness Heterogeneities on in Silico Models of Knee Biomechanics,” USNCCM12, Raleigh, NC, July 22-25, 2013.
(Keynote) Ma J and Arruda EM, “Biomechanics of Native and Tissue Engineered Anterior Cruciate Ligament,” USNCCM12, Raleigh, NC, July 22-25, 2013.
Deneweth JM, Pomeroy SE, Arruda EM And McLean SC, “Topographical Mapping Of the Elastic Moduli of Femoral Cartilage Under Physiological Loading,” Orthopaedic Research Society, San Antonio, TX, January 27 – 29, 2013.
(Best Poster Award) Deneweth JM, Sylvia SM, Newman KE, McLean SG and Arruda EM, “Mapping the Mechanical Topography of Healthy Tibial Cartilage,” American Society of Biomechanics, Gainesville, FL, August 15-18, 2012.
Williams ML, Arruda EM and Larkin LM, “Utilization of satellite cells for engineering scaffold-less skeletal muscle tissue for repair of volumetric muscle loss,” Skeletal Muscle Satellite and Stem Cells, FASEB SRC, Lucca, IT, August 12-17, 2012.
Smietana MJ, Arruda EM, Bedi A, Larkin LM. "Utilization of 3-D Tissue Engineered Constructs to Improve Tendon-Bone Healing following Rotator Cuff Repair." Gordon Research Conference Musculoskeletal Biology & Bioengineering, Proctor Academy - Andover, NH, August 5-10, 2012.
(2012 Research Excellence Award) Ma J, Smietana MS, Swinehart IT, Kostrominova TY, Wellik DM, Wojtys EM, Larkin LM, and Arruda EM, “A Comparison of Tissue Engineered Scaffold-less Bone-Ligament-Bone Constructs and Patellar Tendon Autografts Used for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Replacement in Sheep,” American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, Baltimore, MD, July 9-14, 2012.
Deneweth JM, Newman KE, Sylvia SM, McLean SG and Arruda EM, “Human Tibial Cartilage Reveals Non-Linear and Non-Uniform Regional Topography under Physiological Loading Rates,” ASME-SBC, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, June 20-23, 2012.
Ma J, Smietana MJ, Wojtys EM, Larkin LM and Arruda EM, “Tissue Engineered Bone-Ligament-Bone Constructs Following 9-Month Sheep ACL Reconstruction,” Spotlight Presentation, ORS Annual Meeting, February 4-7, 2012, San Francisco, CA.
Smietana MJ, Ma J, Kostrominova TY, Arruda EM and Larkin LM, “Bone Tunnel Healing of Tissue Engineered Scaffold-less Bone Ligament Bone Constructs and Patellar Tendon Autografts used for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Replacement in Sheep,” ORS Annual Meeting, February 4-7, 2012, San Francisco, CA.
(Invited) Arruda EM and Ma J, “Mechanics Of Native Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)” 48th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Engineering Science, October 12-14, 2011, Evanston, IL.
Rudraraju S, Mills KL, Kemkemer R, Arruda EM and Garikipati K, “Multiphysics Modeling of in vitro Tumor Spheroid Growth,” 48th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Engineering Science, October 12-14, 2011, Evanston, IL.
Arruda EM, “Native and Tissue-Engineered Anterior Cruciate Ligaments,” IUTAM Symposium on Computer Models in Biomechanics: from Nano to Macro, Stanford University, California, USA, August 29 – September 02, 2011.
Ma J, Smietana M, Hua C, Wojtys EM, Larkin LM and Arruda EM, “Challenges in Characterizing Viscoelastic Behaviors of Ligament and Tendon” Society of Experimental Methods, June 13-16, 2011, Uncasville, CT.
(Keynote) Arruda EM and Ma J, “Non-linear Viscoelastic Response of Knee Ligaments and Tendons” ASME McMat May 30-June 2, 2011, Chicago, IL.
Arruda EM and Ma J, “Design and Characterization of a Tissue Engineered Ligament after Implantation as an ACL Replacement”ASME McMat May 30-June 2, 2011, Chicago, IL.
Deneweth J, Arruda EM and McLean SC, “Characterization of Regional Variations in Cartilage Stiffness Across the Human Tibia,” ISB 2011, July 3-7, 2011, Brussels, Belgium.
Deneweth J, McLean SC and Arruda EM, “Homogeneous Finite Element Formulations of Articular Cartilage Do Not Reflect Natural Indentation Mechanics,” Orthopaedic Research Society, January 13-16, 2011, Long Beach, CA.
Ma J, Smietana MJ, Wojtys EM, Kostrominova TY, Larkin LM and Arruda EM, “3-D Engineered Bone-Ligament-Bone Constructs in Sheep ACL Reconstruction,” Orthopaedic Research Society, January 13-16, 2011, Long Beach, CA.
Ma J, Smietana MJ, Wojtys EM, Larkin LM and Arruda EM, “Non-Linear Mechanics of Tissue Engineered Ligament, Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Patellar Tendon,” International Symposium on Ligament and Tendon, January 12, 2011, Irvine, CA.
Ma J, Smietana M, Wojtys EM, Kostrominova TY, Larkin LM and Arruda EM, “Non-linear Viscoelasticity Characterization of Knee Ligament and Tissue Engineered Ligaments,” ASME IMECE, November 12-18, 2010, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Adams A, Kostrominova TY, Arruda EM and Larkin LM, “Scaffold-less Engineered Neural Conduit Promotes Regeneration and Functional Recovery after Peripheral Nerve Injury in Adult Rats,” TERMIS-NA 2010, December 5-8, 2010, Orlando, FL.
Williams ML, Adams A, Kostrominova TY, Arruda EM and Larkin LM, “Effect of Implantation on the Structure and Function of Scaffoldless Three-Dimensional Engineered Muscle-Tendon Constructs,” TERMIS-NA 2010, December 5-8, 2010, Orlando, FL.
Smietana M, Ma J, Wojtys EM, Kostrominova TY, Arruda EM and Larkin LM, “Reconstruction of the Bone Tunnel and Enthesis Utilizing 3D Bone-Ligament Bone Constructs in Sheep ACL Replacement,” TERMIS-NA 2010, December 5-8, 2010, Orlando, FL.
Rosenthal, D, Iyer, H, Escudero, S, Ventura, A, Arruda, EM, Garikipati, K and Merajver, S, “From in vitro to in silico and back again: using biological and mathematical synergy to decipher breast cancer cell motility,” 32nd Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, September 1-4, 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Wood, L, Arruda, EM and Brooks, SV, “Regional Stiffening of Mouse Tibialis Anterior Tendons with Age,” 34th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, August 18-21, 2010, Providence, RI.
Ma J, Smietana M, Wojtys EM, Kostrominova TY, Larkin LM and Arruda EM, “Morphological and Mechanical Characterization of 3D Engineered Bone-Ligament-Bone Constructs after 6-Month ACL Reconstruction in Sheep,” (talk) Gordon Research Conference on Musculoskeletal Biology & Bioengineering, August 1-5, 2010, Andover, NH.
Ma J, Smietana M, Wojtys EM, Kostrominova TY, Larkin LM and Arruda EM, “Morphological Characterization of a 3D Engineered Bone-Ligament-Bone after 6-Month ACL Reconstruction in Sheep,” (poster) Gordon Research Conference on Musculoskeletal Biology & Bioengineering, August 1-5, 2010, Andover, NH.
Ma J, Smietana M, Wojtys EM, Kostrominova TY, Larkin LM and Arruda EM, “Mechanical Characterization of 3D Engineered Bone-Ligament-Bone Constructs after 6-Month ACL Reconstruction in Sheep,” (poster) Gordon Research Conference on Musculoskeletal Biology & Bioengineering, August 1-5, 2010, Andover, NH.
Arruda, EM and Ma, J, “Non-Linear, Inhomogeneous Viscoelasticity of Knee Ligaments and Tissue Engineered Ligaments,” 16th US National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNCTAM), June 27 - July 2, 2010, University Park, PA.
Ma, J and Arruda, EM, “Nonlinear Viscoelasticity of Native and Engineered Ligament and Tendon,” SEM Annual Conference & Exposition on
Experimental and Applied Mechanics, June 7-10, 2010, Indianapolis, IN.Kaushik, AK, Yang, M, Podsiadlo, P, Waas, AM, Kotov, NA and Arruda, EM, “The Role of Interface and Reinforcement in the Finite Deformation Response of Polyurethane-Montmorillonite Nanocomposites,” SEM Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, June 7-10, 2010, Indianapolis, IN.
Olberding, JE, Garikipati, K, Grosh, K, Larkin, LM, and Arruda, EM, “Role of Oxygen Content on the Fibrogenesis of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells,” Biomedical Engineering Society 2009 Annual Fall Scientific Meeting, October 7-10, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Ma, J, Kostrominova, T, Larkin, LM, and Arruda, EM, “Morphological and Functional Characteristics of Three-Dimensional Engineered Bone-Ligament-Bone Constructs Following Implantation,” Biomedical Engineering Society 2009 Annual Fall Scientific Meeting, October 7-10, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Ma, J, and Arruda, EM, “The Advantage of Tissue Engineered Ligament Applied in Ligament Reconstructions due to Different Viscoelastic Responses of Native Ligament and Tendon,” Biomedical Engineering Society 2009 Annual Fall Scientific Meeting, October 7-10, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Mendias, C.L., Bakhurin, K.I., Arruda, E.M., Brooks, S.V., Faulkner, J.A., Larkin, L.M., “Scleraxis is Expressed in Adult Tendons and is Upregulated in Response to Mechanical Loading,” Experimental Biology, New Orleans, LA, April 18-22, 2009.
Smietana, M., Kaushik, A., Arruda, E.M., Faulkner, J.A., Larkin, L.M., “The Effect of Reactive Oxygen Species on Bone Mineral Density in Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Knockout Mice,” Experimental Biology, New Orleans, LA, April 18-22, 2009.
Li, Y., Waas, A.M., and Arruda, E.M., “A Non-Local Visco-Plastic Model with Strain Laplacian Effects and Interphase Effects for Simulating the Stiffness and Yield Strength of a Class of Polymer Nanocomposites,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, October 31-November 6, Boston, MA, 2008.
Li, Y., Waas, A.M., and Arruda, E.M., “A Particle Size-Shape_Dependent Three-Phase Two-Step Mori-Tanaka Method for Studying the Interphase of Polymer/Clay Nanocomposites,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, October 31-November 6, Boston, MA, 2008.
Garikipati, K., Olberding, J.E., Thouless, M.D., and Arruda, E.M., “The Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Focal Adhesion Dynamics,” 45TH Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, October 12-15, Urbana-Champaign, IL, 2008.
Arruda, E.M., Ma, J., “Native and Engineered Knee Ligament Mechanics,” 45TH Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, October 12-15, Urbana-Champaign, IL, 2008.
Kaushik, A.K., Podsiadlo, P., Arruda, E.M., Qin, M., Waas, A.M., Kotov, N.A., Iyer, H., Kheng, E., “Toughening of Polymeric Materials by Dispersion of Nanoparticles,” 45TH Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, October 12-15, Urbana-Champaign, IL, 2008.
Iyer, H., Kheng, E., Arruda, E.M., Waas, A.M., “Computing Fracture Toughness of Thin Films Made up of Single/Multi-Layered Nanocomposites,” 45TH Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, October 12-15, Urbana-Champaign, IL, 2008.
Ma , J., Larkin, L., Narayanan, H., Garikipati, K., Kostrominova, T.Y., O’Connor, D.T., Syed-Picard, F.N., Calve, S., Grosh, K., and Arruda, E.M., “Experimental and Computational Investigation of Poroviscoelasticity in Native and Engineered Connective Tissue,” IUTAM Symposium on Cellular, Molecular and Tissue Mechanics, June 18-21, Woods Hole, MA, 2008.
Olberding, J.E., Thouless, M.D., Arruda, E.M., and Garikipati, K., “A Theoretical Study of the Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Focal Adhesion Dynamics,” IUTAM Symposium on Cellular, Molecular and Tissue Mechanics, June 18-21, Woods Hole, MA, 2008.
Li, Y., Kaushik, A.K., Waas, A.M., Podsiadlo, P., Kotov, N.A., Arruda, E.M., “Study of Enhancement Mechanism and Synergistic Effects of Polymer/Clay Nanocomposite,” Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials Conference, March 30 – April 4, Monterrey, CA, 2008.
Balhurin, K.I., Mendias, C.L., Arruda, E.M., Brooks, S. V., Fauklner, J.A., Larkin, L.M., “Scleraxis is expressed in adult tendons and is upregulated in response to mechanical loading,” Experimental Biology, April 5-9, San Diego, CA, 2008.
Syed-Picard, F.N., Larkin, L.M., Shaw, C.M., and Arruda, E.M., “Engineered Functional Bone from Bone Marrow Stromal Cells and their Autogenous Extra-Cellular Matrix,” Midwestern Tissue Engineering Consortium, April 20-21, Ann Arbor, MI, 2007.
Olberding, J.E., Thouless, M., Arruda, E.M., and Garikipati, K., “Focal Adhesion Dynaimics,: Reaction Domination,” 2007 BMES Annual Fall Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, September 26-29, 2007.
Kaushik, A., Podsiadlo, P., Waas, A.M., Kotov, N.A., and Arruda, E.M., “Ductile Polymer/Clay Nanocomposites,” Materials Science and Technology, Detroit, MI, September 16-20, 2007.
Smietana, M.J., Wellington, M., Arruda, E.M., and Larkin, L.M., “Bone Mineral Density of Engineered Bone Constructs Before and After Implantation,” Experimental Biology, Washington, DC, April 28 – May 2, 2007.
Syed-Picard, F.N., Larkin, L.M., and Arruda, E.M., “Development of Scaffold-Less 3D Bone Tissue Engineered from Rat Bone Marrow Stromal Cells,” Experimental Biology, Washington, DC, April 28 – May 2, 2007.
(Keynote) Narayanan, H., Calve, S.C., Garikipati, K., Grosh, K., and Arruda, E.M., “Modelling the Viscoelastic Nature of Growing Tendon” 2nd Symposium on Mechanics of Soft Materials and Soft Tissues at the 43rd Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, University Park, PA, August 13-16, 2006.
Olberding, J.E., Garikipati, K., Arruda, E.M. and Grosh, K., “Thermodynamic Dissipation During Reorientation and Fusion of Collagen Fibrils in Biological Soft Tissue,” 7TH World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Los Angeles, CA, July 17-20, 2006.
Olberding, J.E., Garikipati, K., Arruda, E.M. and Grosh, K., “Fibroblast-Mediated Evolution of Collagen Fibril Orientations in Three Dimensions using Confocal Reflection Microscopy,” 2006 USNCTAM, University of Colorado at Boulder, June 25-30, 2006.
Narayanan, H., Arruda, E.M., Garikipati, K., and Grosh, K., “Tendon Growth and Healing: The Roles of Reaction, Transport and Mechanics,” symposium on Damage and Healing Mechanisms in Synthetic and Biological Materials Systems, 15TH USNCTAM, University of Colorado at Boulder, June 25-30, 2006.
Calve, S.C., Narayanan, H., Garikipati, K., Grosh, K., and Arruda, E.M., “Viscoelastic and Growth Mechanics in Engineered and Native Soft Tissue” symposium on the Mechanics of Materials from Nature, 15TH USNCTAM, University of Colorado at Boulder, June 25-30, 2006.
Kaushik, A., Khattar, R., Waas, A., Kotov, N., and Arruda, E.M., “The Response of Filled and Unfilled Polyamide at Low and High Strain “Symposium on the Mechanics of Macromolecular Solids at High Strain Rates, 15TH USNCTAM, University of Colorado at Boulder, June 25-30, 2006.
Calve, S.C., Kostrominova, T., Arruda, E.M., and Larkin, L., “Functional Evaluation of Engineered 3D Muscle-Tendon Constructs,” Experimental Biology, San Francisco, CA, April 1-5, 2006.
Kostrominova, T., Calve, S.C., Arruda, E.M., and Larkin, L., “Myotendinous Junction Protein Expression in Engineered Muscle-Tendon Constructs,” Experimental Biology, San Francisco, CA, April 1-5, 2006.
Wictherman, B. and E. M. Arruda, “Characterization and Constitutive Modeling of the Large Deformation Response of Polypropylene Blends in Uniaxial Compression at High Strain Rates” Symposium on Time Dependent Behavior of Polymers and PMC at the 2005 ASME IMECE, Orlando, FL, November 7-10, 2005.
Calve, S., Arruda, E.M., Mundy, K., Dennis, R. and Baar, K., "The Effect of Denervation and Aging on the Heterogeneous Material Properties of the Tibialis Anterior Tendon," XXth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, July 31 - August 5, 2005, Cleveland, OH.
Kuhl, E., Garikipati, K., Arruda, E.M. amd Grosh, K., “Remodeling in Biological Tissues Based on a Micromechanically Motivated Chain Network Model,” 8TH US National Congress of the USNCCM, July 24-28, 2005, Austin, TX.
Calve, S.C., Syed, F.N., Dennis, R.G., Grosh, K., Garikipati, K., and Arruda, E.M., “Mechanical Characterization of Growth in Fibrin-Based Tendon Constructs,” 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference, June 22-26, 2005, Vail, CO.
Calve, S.C., Baar, K., Mundy, K., and Arruda, E.M., “The Effect of Denervation on the Heterogeneous Material Properties of the Tibialis Anterior Tendon,” 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference, June 22-26, 2005, Vail, CO.
Calve, S., Baar, K., Narayanan, H., Garikipati, K., Grosh, K., Dennis, R.G. and Arruda, E.M., "Development of Constitutive Models to Describe Growth in Soft Tissues: Experimental Basis," McMat 2005, June 1-3, 2005, Baton Rouge, LA.
Arruda, E.M., Calve, S.C., Baar, K., Grosh, K., Garikipati, K., Narayanan, H., and Andrick, J.J,, “Constitutive Modeling of the Non-Linear Mechanics of Soft Tissue,” 41ST Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Special Symposium in Honor of Alan Wineman, October 11-13, 2004, Lincoln, NE.
Narayanan, H., Garikipati, K., Arruda, E.M., Grosh, K., and Calve, S.C., “Multi-Scale Simulations of the Mechanics of Transport and Growth in Soft Tissue,” 41ST Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Special Symposium in Honor of Nialls Horgan, October 11-13, 2004, Lincoln, NE.
Kuhl, E., Menzel, A., Garikipati, K., Arruda, E.M., and Grosh, K., “Modeling and Simulation of Remodeling in Soft Biological Tissues,” to appear in Proceedings of 2004 IUTAM on Mechanics of Biological Tissue, June 27 – July 2, 2004, Graz, Austria.
Arruda, E.M., Calve, S.C., Garikipati, K., Grosh, K., and Narayanan, H., “Characterization and Modeling of Growth and Remodeling in Tendon and Soft Tissue Constructs,” to appear in Proceedings of 2004 IUTAM on Mechanics of Biological Tissue, June 27 – July 2, 2004, Graz, Austria.
J. Andrick, S. Calve, E. M. Arruda, and K. Baar, “Uniaxial Stretch Increases ERK Phosphorylation and Collagen Synthesis in Engineered Tendons,” Experimental Biology 2004, April, 2004, Washington, DC.
S. Calve, K. Baar, R. G. Dennis, E. M. Arruda, “Morphological and Mechanical Characterization of Self-Assembling Tendon Constructs,” Experimental Biology 2004, April, 2004, Washington, DC.
S. Calve, R.G. Dennis, K. Grosh and E. M. Arruda, “Mechanics of Self-Assembling Tendon Constructs,” 40TH Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Ann Arbor, MI, October, 2003.
K. Garikipati, E.M. Arruda, K. Grosh, H. Narayanan and S. Calve, “A Continuum Framework for Growth in Soft Biological Tissue: Mass Transport Coupled with Mechanics,” 40TH Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Ann Arbor, MI, October, 2003.
H. Narayanan, K. Garikipati, E.M. Arruda and K. Grosh, “Material Forces in Mass Transport,” 7TH US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Albuquerque, NM, July 2003.
(Keynote) E. M. Arruda, K. Grosh, K. Garikipati, H. Narayanan, and S.C. Calve, “A Continuum treatment of Growth in Soft Biological Tissue: Coupling of Mass Transport and Mechanics,” 7TH US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Albuquerque, NM, July 2003.
S. Calve, E. M. Arruda, R. G. Dennis, K. Baar, K. Grosh and K. Garikipati. “Mechanical And Biochemical Characterization Of Self-Assembling Tendon Constructs,” 7TH US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Albuquerque, NM, July 2003.
H. Narayanan, K. Garikipati, E. M. Arruda, K. Grosh, and S.C. Calve, “A Continuum Framework for Growth in Biological Tissue: The Roles of Mass Transport and Mechanics,” ASME 2003 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Key Biscayne, FL, June, 2003.
S.C. Calve, R. G. Dennis, P. E. Kosnik II, K. Grosh and E. M. Arruda “Engineering Of Functional Tendon.,” ASME 2003 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Key Biscayne, FL, June, 2003.
LY Eun , EM Arruda , GJ Ensing , CA Gomez and A Ludomirsky, “Does Cardiac Muscle Restoration of the Left Ventricle Differ From the Right Ventricle in the Normal Canine Heart? A Passive Stress-Strain Relationship In-Vitro Study,” Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, May, 2003
S.C. Calve, E.M. Arruda, R.G. Dennis, K. Baar and K. Grosh, “Mechanical Characterization of Self-Assembling Tendon Constructs,” Engineering Tissue Growth, Pittsburgh, PA, March, 2003.
E.M. Arruda and R.G. Dennis, “Characterization of Cardiac Muscle Tissue and Self-Organized Cardiac Muscle Constructs,” 39th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, University Park, PA, October, 2002.
W. Xu and E.M. Arruda, “Finite Strain Response and Texture Evolution of a and b Crystalling Polypropylene,” 39th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, University Park, PA, October, 2002.
S.C. Calve, R.G. Dnnis, K. Grosh and E.M. Arruda, “Tissue Engineering and Characterization of Self-Organized Tendon Constructs,” 39th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, University Park, PA, October, 2002.
K. Garikipati, E.M. Arruda, K. Grosh and S.C. Calve, “Growth and Morphogenesis: A Continuum Field Theory,” 39th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, University Park, PA, October, 2002.
J.E. Bischoff, E.M. Arruda and K. Grosh, “ Application of Orthotropy and Viscoelasticity to Soft Tissue Mechanics,” EUROMECH Colloquium on Constitutive Equations for Polymer Microcomposites on the Border of Mechanics and Chemistry, Vienna Austria, July, 2002.
S.C. Calve, E.M. Arruda, R.G. Dennis and K. Grosh, “Influence of Mechanics on Tendon and Muscle Development,” WCCM V Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Vienna, Austria, July, 2002.
E. M. Arruda and W. Xu, “Finite Strain Response and Texture Evolution of a and b Crystalline Polypropylene,” Proceedings of Plasticity '02 The 9th International Symposium On Plasticity and Its Current Application, Palm Beach, Aruba, 2002.
E. M. Arruda, Y. Wang, P. A. Przybylo and C. C. Chou, “High Strain Rate Characterization and Modeling of Elastomers,” Proceedings of the 158th Meeting of the American Chemical Society Rubber Division, Cincinnati, OH, October, 2000.
P. A. Przybylo and E. M. Arruda, “High Strain Rate Testing of Polymers, Elastomers and Foams by the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Technique,” Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Yield, Deformation and Fracture of Polymers, The Plastics and Rubber Institute, Cambridge, UK, April, 2000.
W. Xu and E. M. Arruda, “The Mechanics of b and a Crystal Deformation in Annealed Isotactic Polypropylene,” Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Yield, Deformation and Fracture of Polymers, The Plastics and Rubber Institute, Cambridge, UK, April, 2000.
W. Xu and E. M. Arruda, "Structure Change of Quenched Polypropylene during Deformation," Constitutive and Damage Modeling of Inelastic Deformation and Phase Transformation, Proceedings of Plasticity '99, Cancun, Mexico, January, 1999.
P. A. Przybylo, E. M. Arruda, Y. Li and C. C. Chou, "The Impact Response of Injection Molded Polypropylene Trim Panel Material: Homogeneity, Isotropy and Constitutive Modelling," SAE SP-1320, Safety Test Methodologies, 1998 SAE Congress, Detroit, Feb, 23-26, 1998.
P. R. von Lockette and E. M. Arruda, "Stress-Optical Behavior of Inhomogeneously Deformed Elastomers and Bimodal Elastomer Networks," Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Yield, Deformation and Fracture of Polymers, p399-402, The Plastics and Rubber Institute, Cambridge, UK, April, 1997.
W. W. Schultz, G. K. Gupta, E. M. Arruda and X. Lu, "Nonisothermal Viscoelastic Modeling of Glass Fiber Drawing," Proceedings of the Symposium on Rheology and Computational Fluid Mechanics, Nicosia, Cyprus, pp. 13-22, 1996.
G. K. Gupta, W. W. Schultz, X. Lu, and E. M. Arruda, "Nonisothermal Modelling of Viscoelastic Fiber Drawing Stability," Proceedings of the XIIth International Congress on Rheology, p715-716, Quebec, August 1996.
E. M. Arruda and M. C. Boyce, "Strain Rate and Temperature Dependence in Amorphous Polymers at Finite Strain," Proceedings of the Use of Plastics and Plastic Composites: Materials and Mechanics Issues, ASME WAM MD-Vol. 46, pp. 23-41, December, 1993.
E. M. Arruda and M. C. Boyce, "Strain Rate and Temperature Effects on the Finite Strain Deformation Response of Amorphous Polymers," Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Yield, Deformation and Fracture of Polymers, The Plastics and Rubber Institute, Cambridge, UK, April, 1991.
E. M. Arruda and M. C. Boyce, "Evolution of Plastic Anisotropy in Amorphous Polymers During Finite Straining," Anisotropy and Localization of Plastic Deformation, Proceedings of Plasticity '91, pp. 483-488, August, 1991.
E. M. Arruda, H. Quintus-Bosz and M. C. Boyce, "Effects of Initial Anisotropy on the Finite Strain Deformation Behavior of Glassy Polymers," Anisotropy and Localization of Plastic Deformation, Proceedings of Plasticity '91, pp. 489-492, August, 1991.
E. M. Arruda and M. C. Boyce, "Anisotropic Effects on the Finite Strain Deformation Behavior of Glassy Polymers," Proceedings of the Mechanics of Plastics and Plastic Composites Symposium, ASME WAM MD-Vol. 29, December, 1991.
Other Conference and Symposium Presentations
(Invited) Ma, J., Narayanan, H., Garikipati, K., Grosh, K., and Arruda, E.M., “Experimental and Computational Investigation of Viscoelasticity of Native and Engineered Ligament and Tendon,” German-American Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, Potsdam, Germany, April, 2009.
(Invited) Arruda, E.M., “Mechanics of MTM-PU Nanocomposites”, WIRES Summit, June 2-4, Barcelona, Spain, 2009
Epshteyn, A., Kaushik, A., Arruda, E.M., “Synthesis, Characterization and Testing of Polyurethane Nanocomposites, NSF NNIN REU Conference, August 8-11, Santa Barbara, CA, 2007.
H. Narayanan, E.M. Arruda, S.C. Calve, K. Grosh and K. Garikipati, “A Continuum Treatment of Growth in Soft Biological Tissue: Coupling of Mass Transport and Mechanics,” Second M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Cambridge, MA, June, 2003.
S.C. Calve, R. G. Dennis, K. Grosh and E. M. Arruda, “Engineering of Functional Tendon,” Society of Women Engineers Graduate Student Poster Competition, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, March, 2003.
S.C. Calve, R. G. Dennis, K. Grosh and E. M. Arruda. Self-Assembling Tendon Constructs: Characterization and Applications. Mechanical Engineering Graduate Council Student Symposium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, October, 2002.
S.C. Calve, E. M. Arruda, R. G. Dennis, K. Grosh and K. Pasyk, “Characterization of Self-Assembling Tendon Constructs,” Macromolecular Science and Engineering Symposium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, October 2002.
S.C. Calve, E. M. Arruda, R. G. Dennis, K. Grosh and K. Pasyk, “Tissue Engineering of Fibroblast Constructs and Anisotropic Collagen Gels.” Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April, 2002.
W Xu and EM Arruda, “Finite Strain Response and Texture Evolution of Isotactic Crystalline Polypropylene,” ASME 2001 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, New York City, NY, November 11-16, 2001.
S.C. Calve, E. M. Arruda, R. G. Dennis and K, Grosh, “Influence of Mechanics on the Development of Muscle and Tendon” Macromolecular Science and Engineering Symposium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, October 2001.
S.C. Calve, E. M. Arruda, R. G. Dennis and K. Grosh, “Using Mechanics to Aid the Development of Muscle and Tendon,” Mechanical Engineering Graduate Council Student Symposium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, October 2001.
J. E. Bischoff, EM Arruda and K Grosh, “Measurement of Orthotropic Material Properties and Constitutive Modeling of Soft Tissue,” ASME 2001 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Snowbird, UT, June 28-30, 2001.
(Invited) E. M. Arruda, K. Grosh and J. E. Bischoff, “An Anisotropic Constitutive Law for Human Tissue,” SES Young Investigator Medal Symposium in honor of L. Mahadevan at the 37th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Columbia, SC, October, 2000.
Y. Wang and E. M. Arruda, “Characterization and Modeling of Quenched Isotactic Polypropylene at Large Deformation,” The 37th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Columbia, SC, October, 2000.
P. R. von Lockette and E. M. Arruda, “Computational and Analytical Modeling of Bimodal Elastomeric Networks,” The 37th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Columbia, SC, October, 2000.
(Invited) E. M. Arruda, Y. Wang, P. A. Przybylo and C. C. Chou, “High Strain Rate Characterization and Modeling of Elastomers,” Proceedings of the 158th Meeting of the American Chemical Society Rubber Division, Cincinnati, OH, October, 2000.
(Invited) E. M. Arruda and W. Xu, “The Mechanics of Crystal Deformation in Polypropylene,” The 36th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Austin, TX, October, 1999.
(Invited) E. M. Arruda and M. C. Boyce, “Micromechanics, Meso-Scale Modeling and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Polymers,” NSF Workshop on Nano and Micromechanics of Solids for Emerging Science and Technology, Palo Alto, CA, October, 1999.
(Keynote) E. M. Arruda, "Characterizing and Modelling Hyperelastic and Viscoelastic-Viscoplastic Elastomers at Low and High Strain Rates," 3RD International Symposium on Finite Element Analysis of Rubber and Rubber-Like Materials, Akron Rubber Development Laboratory, Akron, OH, May, 1999.
(Invited) E. M. Arruda, “Characterizing and Modeling Rubbery Polymers,” HKS Michigan Seminar Series on Rubber and Viscoelasticity with Abaqus, Hibbitt, Karlson and Sorenson, Inc., Plymouth, MI, April, 1999.
(Invited) E. M. Arruda, "Finite Element Analysis of Elastomers at Moderate and High Strain Rates," 2ND International Symposium on Finite Element Analysis of Rubber and Rubber-Like Materials, Akron Rubber Development Laboratory, Akron, OH, March, 1998.
(Invited) P. A. Przybylo, E. M. Arruda, Y. Li and C. C. Chou, "The Impact Response of Injection Molded Polypropylene Trim Panel Material: Homogeneity, Isotropy and Constitutive Modelling," 1998 SAE International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MI, February, 1998.
E. M. Arruda, S. Ahzi, Y. Li, and A. Ganesan, "Rate Dependent Deformation of Semi-Crystalline Polypropylene Near Room Temperature,"The 1997 Joint ASME/ASCE/SES Summer Meeting, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, June, 1997.
S. Ahzi, and E. M. Arruda, "Micromechanics of Semi-Crystalline Polymers," The 1997 Joint ASME/ASCE/SES Summer Meeting, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, June, 1997.
E. M. Arruda, Y. Li, and P. A. Przybylo, "Characterization of the Large Strain Deformation Response of Polypropylene: Rate Dependence and Microstructural Effects," The 10th International Conference on Yield, Deformation and Fracture of Polymers, The Plastics and Rubber Institute, Cambridge, UK, April, 1997.
G. K. Gupta, W. W. Schultz, X. Lu, and E. M. Arruda, "Nonisothermal Study of Viscoelastic Slender Fiber Drawing," Society of Rheology Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA, October, 1995.
(Invited) E. M. Arruda, P. A. Przybylo and Y. Li, "Characterization and Modelling of the Rate Dependent Behavior of Semi-Crystalline and Amorphous Polymers," 1997 SAE International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MI, February, 1997.
E. M. Arruda, W. W. Schultz, G. K. Gupta and X. Lu, "Effect of Viscoelasticity on the Stability of Nonisothermal Glass Fiber Drawing," NSF Design & Mfg Grantees Conference, Seattle, Washington, January, 1997.
(Invited) E. M. Arruda, "Rate Dependent Behavior of Amorphous and Semi-Crystalline Polymers," 1996 ASME Interntional Congress and Exhibition, Atlanta, GA, November, 1996.
(Invited) P. A. Przybylo and E. M. Arruda, "Non-Homogeneous Deformations of Compressible and Incompressible Elastomers," 1996 ASME Mechanics and Materials Conference, Johns Hopkins University, June, 1996.
G. K. Gupta, W. W. Schultz, X. Lu, and E. M. Arruda, "Nonisothermal Analytical and Experimental Study of Viscoelastic Fiber Drawing," NSF Design & Mfg Grantees Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, January 1996.
P. A. Przybylo, P. R. vonLockette and E. M. Arruda, "Experimental Characterization, Testing and Modelling of Bimodal Polydimethylsiloxane Networks," ASME IMECE 1995 Symposium on the Mechanics of Plastics and Plastic Composites, San Francisco, CA, November, 1995.
E. M. Arruda, P. R. Przybylo and P. R. vonLockette, "Towards the Extension of Rubber Elasticity Theory to the Modelling and Design of Specialized Elastomeric Networks," ASME AMD-MD '95, Joint Applied Mechanics and Materials Summer Conference, Los Angeles, CA, June, 1995.
(Invited) E. M. Arruda and P. A. Przybylo, "The Roles of Microstructure and Defect Structure on the Large Deformation Response of Unimodal and Bimodal Elastomers," Society of Engineering Science 31st Annual Technical Meeting, College Station, TX, October, 1994.
E. M. Arruda and M. C. Boyce, "The Roles of Temperature and Strain Rate in the Development of Anisotropy during Large Strain Deformations of Glassy Polymers," Society of Engineering Science 29th Annual Technical Meeting, La Jolla, CA, September, 1992.
E. M. Arruda and M. C. Boyce, "The Anisotropy of Large Deformations in Polycarbonate," Proceedings of the 13th RISO International Symposium on Metallurgy and Materials Science: Modelling of Plastic Deformation and its Engineering Applications, September, 1992.